Editorial Team
You can contact all editors-in-chief via the email address submissions(at)finfar.org.
You can contact the reviews editor via the email address reviews(at)finfar.org.
- Elizabeth Oakes is a doctoral researcher in the English philology unit at the University of Helsinki. They research representations of altered consciousness in 1960s and 70s American science fiction using computational methodologies in a stylistic framework in order to understand how social realities both influence and are manifested by the words we speculate with. (Editor-in-chief from issue 1/2022 on.)
- Merve Tabur is lecturer in Comparative Literature at Utrecht University and researcher at CoFutures (University of Oslo). Her research examines conceptions of environmental justice and futurity in speculative fiction and visual arts from the Middle East and its Anglophone diasporas. Merve holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Penn State University and is also a translator of academic books and articles on gender politics, cultural history, and literary theory. (Editor-in-chief from issue 1/2023 on.)
- Elise Kraatila is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Tampere Institute for Advanced Study (Tampere University). Her current research is concerned with speculative storytelling as an epistemic and rhetorical practice in 21st-century fiction and nonfiction. She is particularly interested how speculative “what if?” narratives, across genres from fantasy and science fiction to science communication and journalism, engage with the atmosphere of uncertainty that pervades our contemporary media environments. (Editor-in-chief from issue 1/2024 on.)
- Jessica Norledge is Assistant Professor in Stylistics at the University of Nottingham, UK. She is a stylistician with expertise in the cognitive poetics of emotion and the language of dystopia. She has published on feminist dystopia, dystopian minds, and worlds theories in speculative fiction and is the author of The Language of Dystopia (Palgrave, 2022). (Editor-in-chief from issue 1/2025 on.)
Reviews Editor
- Jari Käkelä (PhD, English Philology) has focused extensively on the work of Isaac Asimov and other Golden Age authors, on pulp publishing, and on themes of frontier and sociopolitical aspects of science fiction. He teaches at the Department of Languages at the University of Helsinki, and he also works as a layout designer/typesetter for various Finnish academic publications and as a freelance translator. Käkelä’s academic work has been published in a number of venues, including journals such as Extrapolation, Foundation, and Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. (Reviews editor for Fafnir from issue 1/2023 on, all queries concerning reviews may be sent to reviews(at)finfar.org.)
Managing Editor
- Eero Suoranta is a doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki where his work focuses on alienation in contemporary Chinese science fiction. He has also translated Chinese SF into Finnish, worked as a freelance journalist and literary critic, and been featured as an expert on Chinese literature and philosophy by the Finnish public broadcasting company YLE.
Former Editors-in-chief
- Päivi Väätänen (issues 1/2014‒4/2015)
- Hanna-Riikka Roine (issues 1/2014‒3/2016)
- Katja Kontturi (guest editor, issue 4/2016)
- Jyrki Korpua (issues 1/2014–3–4/2017)
- Aino-Kaisa Koistinen (issues 1/2016–2/2018)
- Juha Raipola (guest editor, issue 2/2019)
- Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay (issues 1/2017–2/2020)
- Esko Suoranta (issues 1/2019–2/2021)
- Laura E. Goodin (issues 1/2018–1/2022)
- Hanna-Riikka Roine (guest editor, issue 2/2022)
- Michael Godhe (guest editor, issue 2/2022)
- Essi Varis (issues 1/2021-2/2023)
Former Reviews Editors
- Dennis Wilson Wise (1/2018–2/2022)
Former Managing Editors
- Juri Timonen (issues 1/2014‒4/2016)
- Tanja Välisalo (locum, issues 4/2016‒1/2017)
- Hedda Molland (issue 2/2017)
- Jaana Hakala (issues 3–4/2017–2/2023)